Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Divorce and Our National Values Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Divorce and Our National Values - Article Example This emphasis may be in the form of the psychiatrist’s advice or may be reflected in classic American literature like Thoreau’s Walden, or laws passed to make divorce harder, and so on. Kramer goes against many contemporary psychologists when he argues this. For instance, Carl Rogers claimed in the 1970s that the best marriages actually increased ‘self-actualization’ of the individuals involved. In short, the greater the level of freedom and independence enjoyed by the partners, the ‘better’ the marriage. Kramer suggests that perhaps we should dismantle ‘self-actualization’ as the goal and replace it with another ideal: mutuality. Mutual happiness and care can be just as worthy and fulfilling a goal in marriage. Compromise may mean a certain degree of loss of selfhood, but it does not necessarily mean the loss of happiness or fulfillment. Another issue crops up at this point, related to gender. Kramer reveals how women are supposed to be naturally more compromising. We have been so socialized into believing these stereotypes that in relationships women often feel pressurized to be the pliant and compromising one. Since this is true for a large part of the population, the kind of ideal of mutuality that Kramer proposes might just work out unfairly for women and perpetuate greater inequality in marriages. To counter this, Kramer suggests that by fully accepting mutuality and not expecting only women to inculcate it, we can work towards a value system which actually supports longer-lasting relationships instead of encouraging  separation.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Structure of the Balance Sheet of Islamic Banks

Structure of the Balance Sheet of Islamic Banks INTRODUCTION Structure of the Balance Sheet of Islamic Banks Liquidity is an important characteristic of banks. By their very nature, banks transform the term of their liabilities to have different maturities on the asset side of the balance sheet. At the same time, banks must be able to meet their commitments such as deposits at the point at which they become due. Thus, liquidity management lies at the heart of confidence in the banking operation. Customers place their deposits with a bank, confident they can withdraw the deposit when they wish. If the ability of the bank to pay out on demand is questioned, all its business may be lost overnight. The importance of liquidity transcends the individual institution, since a liquidity shortfall at a single institution may invoke systemic repercussion causing harm to the whole financial stability of a country. Therefore it is important for banks to have adequate liquidity potential when it can obtain sufficient funds promptly and at a reasonable cost. For Islamic banks, liquidity risk is a signific ant risk owing to the limited availability of Shariah-compatible money market instruments and Lender-Of-Last-Resort (LOLR) facilities. Hence, the recent introduction of commodity murabahah instrument based on tawarruq concept by Central Bank of Malaysia is deemed as an innovative approach to liquidity management. It certainly adds to the list of instruments for Islamic banks to manage their liquidity more effectively and efficiently. This paper reviews the structure and mechanism of commodity murabahah particularly for liquidity management purpose. As will be evident in this paper, this instrument has its own advantage which appeals to certain practitioners who were previously uncomfortable with `inah-based instruments ( Liquidity management lies at the heart of confidence in the banking operation. Customers place their deposits with a bank, confident they can withdraw the deposit when they wish. If the ability of the bank to pay out on demand is questioned, all its business may be lost overnight. In general terms, liquidity refers broadly to the ability to trade instruments quickly at prices that are reasonable in light of the underlying demand/supply conditions through the depth, breadth and resilience of the market at the lowest possible execution cost (Pervez, 2000). A perfectly liquid asset is defined as one whose full present value can be realized, i.e. turned into purchasing power over goods and services, immediately (Tobin, 1987). Cash is perfectly liquid, and so for practical purposes are demand deposits, and other deposits transferable to third parties by cheque or wire, and investments in short term liquid government securities (Abdul-Rahman, 1999). The importance of liquidity transcends t he individual institution, since a liquidity shortfall at a single institution may invoke systemic repercussion causing harm to the whole financial stability of a country. Therefore it is important for banks to have adequate liquidity potential when it can obtain sufficient funds promptly and at a reasonable cost (Heffernan, 1996). The concern over liquidity management is also relevant to Islamic bank that holds illiquid assets while its liabilities are liquid, and holds assets unpredictable in value while guaranteeing the value of its liabilities. Thus, since Islamic banks follow the same structure and characteristics of a commercial banks balance sheet, they are not immune from liquidity risk. The potential mismatch between deposits and investment financing exposes Islamic banks to liquidity problems. On the other hand, if the banks maintain too much liquidity to avoid getting into the liquidity problems may in turn hurt its profitability, therefore creating a right balance between the two objectives of safety ( Off-balance-sheet financing Also called synthetic leases, this is where a company uses rules from different systems, such as financial and tax, to account for an asset in different ways. For example, I lease a computer from company A. Because I dont own the computer (and I am assuming this is not a capital lease), I get to take the rent expense (for the lease) as a deduction on the books, but I dont have to account for the asset or the debt, therefore it is not on the balance sheet. This is attractive because it creates no debt on the companys books. It is often done through a SPE (Special Purpose Entity). Though lucrative, it has contributed to the demise of companies such as Enron. The lessor (company A) maintains the asset on their books and, if they financed it from another company (company B), the debt as well. Credit card issuers, mortgage companies and various other entities also use a type of off-balance-sheet financing known as asset backed securitization (ABS). The ABS process effectively allows a company to sell a portion of the loans (receivables assets) to investors, effectively removing the assets from their balance sheets (allowing a lower level of reserves, and, therefore capital) while managing the servicing of the debt ( AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To study the structure of the balance sheet of Islamic banks To study the On Balance Sheet Financing as compared to Off Balance financing. Critical appraisal of the structure of the Balance Sheet of Islamic Banks. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS Risk management and liquidity are of crucial importance in the overall banking environment, and they have clear relevance also to the specific environment of Islamic banking. In itself, Islamic banking is of growing significance. Regulators have their own particular perspective on these issues. As a regulator based in London the Financial Statement Analysis (FSA) should focus on the following: The importance of London as a centre of Islamic financing. The overall role of the FSA as a regulator why sound regulation is of critical importance in any financial marketplace, how it can assist in facilitating competition and innovation. Risk management issues in banking: a summary of the key elements involved. Risk management and liquidity issues as applied to Islamic banking. The perspective of the regulator, and why the UK operates a single regulatory framework for all firms. The importance of London as a centre of Islamic financing London is clearly one of the pre eminent centres of Islamic finance, for two main reasons. These are the presence of sizeable Muslim community in the UK; and the importance of London as a financial centre with the expertise to develop new and innovative products. The FSA as Regulator welcomes the development of Islamic finance, and would be happy to see this grow further. Other important centres include Bahrain and Malaysia ( London plays a role in four areas of significance in Islamic banking: Trade assets such as murabaha, istisnaa, and bai-al-salam. The market is probably worth US$ 10 billion in the UK. Equipment leasing asset and partner selection, operating leases and finance leases Real estate where investors are looking for rental and capital benefits. Investment routes include fund management, club transactions, leverage funding, and asset analysis, corporate structuring and tax planning. Packaging and delivering assets engineering solutions. This includes a growing market in securitizations of pools of Shariah compliant assets. The role of the FSA as a regulator The Government has set the FSA four objectives: Market confidence Public awareness of the financial system Consumer protection Reducing financial crime The new FSMA will bring in eleven principles for the handling of business, which set out at a high level how we expect a firm and its management to conduct themselves. In terms of minimum criteria, the FSA has to be satisfied that institutions have adequate capital, adequate liquidity and adequate control over large exposures. Banks of what ever origin must be prudently run and that their management must be fit and proper for the task. Satisfactory risk management, a realistic business plan, and adequate systems and controls need to be clearly demonstrated. The FSA must be satisfied also that each institution is subject to effective consolidated supervision i.e., that one supervisory authority takes prime responsibility for supervising the bank or banking group as a whole ( RISKS, PROBLEMS AND CHALLENGES Risk management issues in Islamic banking Senior management in any business must be able to provide effective risk management. The consequences of failure to do so are dire, for example, the collapse of Barings where proper controls and monitoring were not effectively in place: Regulators need to be sure that such risks are managed so as to prevent a worst case scenario such as the systemic collapse of a whole banking system. Critical issues for Islamic banks are the reputational risks and legal risks of non-compliance from Shariah board requirements and/or from engaging in any activities that were not perceived as properly Islamic by the marketplace. The maintenance of trust amongst Islamic market participants is crucial ( Credit risk This is the risk that customers default and cannot service their debts. Banks can also suffer from the excessive concentration of exposures to particular customers, industries or countries. Asset quality should be closely monitored using appropriate management information and systems support. Islamic banks run an asset book, just as conventional banks do, so the same disciplines must apply. Liquidity risk Banks face collapse or severe trading difficulties when they are unable to meet their liabilities. For example, many Japanese institutions operating in London in the late l990s were hit when the Japanese premium increased their funding costs and eroded their liquidity. This did not mean, however, that they became unable to meet their liabilities. For the FSA, liquidity is a key concern. The dilemma for the Islamic sector is that liquidity from the Gulf is currently very substantial, but there is the need to seek out appropriate outlets for it. There is not a clearly defined lender of last resort for Islamic banks that might suffer liquidity problems, although support could probably be found from with in the overall pool of liquidity. Interest rate risk The risk of declines in earnings due to the movement of interest rates, most of the balance sheet items of banks generate revenues and costs that are indexed to interest rates. A key aspect of interest rate risk is also the possible mismatches that can arise between fixed and floating rates. In the Islamic banking context, interest rates per se are not a factor. However, commissions generated on Islamic transactions could also be vulnerable to market movements. Market risk The risk of adverse deviations of the mark-to-market value of the trading portfolio during the period required to liquidate the transactions. Islamic financial institutions take up risk sharing funds, whereas conventional banks take capital certain deposits where repayment must be made. There is the implicit requirement for both parties to a given transaction to share in the loss as well as the profit. Foreign exchange risk The currency risk of suffering losses due to changes in exchange rates. This principle applies equally to Islamic banks. Letter of credit and trade finance for example, a significant proportion of which is denominated in US Dollars, often pose an exchange risk. Currency transaction and translation Factors must be taken into account. Solvency risk The risk that financial institutions will be unable to hold sufficient capital resources to cover their different risks, regulators need to decide what amount is held, supervise, in order to maintain an appropriate level of solvency. Islamic banks need to be clear about the status of their deposits or liabilities. Any capital-certain transactions generate more solvency risk than risk-sharing with investors. Operational risk There is no precise definition, but we view operational risk as being the risk that arises from human error and/or deficiencies in information systems or controls, resulting in direct or indirect loss. In the Islamic banking context, operational risks can impact just as much as in conventional banking, with the additional element of possible operational defects causing failure to comply with the Shariah ( FINDINGS Risk management and liquidity issues as applied to Islamic banking This is a very important area and a number of key regulatory issues are under review. For example, whether liquidity requirements should apply to all on-balance sheet funds, risk sharing as well as capital certain; and how liquidity should be managed for funds, which are held off balance sheet. The basic issue, however, as for any bank is how easily and quickly, and with what penalty, assets can be turned into cash. The establishment of a genuine inter-bank market or markets would be a significant step towards providing Islamic banks with the ability to maintain adequate liquidity without holding excessive amounts of very short-term assets. For example, it was very interesting to note that the Bahrain Monetary Authority (BMA) announced the first issue of its Islamically-structured bonds the Sukuk al-Salaam worth US$ 25mn. ABC Clearing Company BC and ABC Islamic Bank have been active in offering overnight investment opportunities for Islamic funds for a number of years. BNP Paribas and Kuwait Finance House signed a memorandum of understanding for the creation of a US$ 2bn Islamic money market fund (IMMF). Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, and ABN AMRO also plan to launch such instruments. Malaysia has also been developing an Islamic inter bank market. These developments offer potential flexibility to Islamic banks. UK practice is such that the Financial Statement Analysis (FSA) has scope to take account of such developments when agreeing liquidity guidelines with banks ( CONCLUSION There are two different categories of commercial financing from an accounting perspective: on-balance-sheet financing and off-balance-sheet financing. Understanding the difference can be critical to obtaining the right type of commercial financing for your company. Put simply, on-balance-sheet financing is commercial financing in which capital expenditures appear as a liability on a companys balance sheet. Commercial loans are the most common example: Typically, a company will leverage an asset (such as accounts receivable) in order to borrow money from a bank, thus creating a liability (i.e., the outstanding loan) that must be reported as such on the balance sheet. With off-balance-sheet financing, however, liabilities do not have to be reported because no debt or equity is created. The most common form of off-balance-sheet financing is an operating lease, in which the company makes a small down payment upfront and then monthly lease payments. When the lease term is up, the company can usually buy the asset for a minimal amount (often just one dollar). The key difference is that with an operating lease, the asset stays on the lessors balance sheet. The lessee only reports the expense associated with the use of the asset (i.e., the rental payments), not the cost of the asset itself ( Why Does It Matter? This might sound like technical accounting-speak that only a CPA could appreciate. In the continuing tight credit environment, however, off-balance-sheet financing can offer significant benefits to any size company, from large multi-nationals to mom-and-pops. These benefits arise from the fact that off-balance-sheet financing creates liquidity for a business while avoiding leverage, thus improving the overall financial picture of the company. This can help companies keep their debt-to-equity ratio low: If a company is already leveraged, additional debt might trip a covenant to an existing loan. The trade-off is that off-balance-sheet financing is usually more expensive than traditional on-balance-sheet loans. Business owners should work closely with their CPAs to determine whether the benefits of off-balance-sheet financing outweigh the costs in their specific situation. Other Types of Off-Balance-Sheet Financing An increasingly popular type of off-balance-sheet financing today is whats known as a sale/leaseback. Here, a business sells property it owns and then immediately leases it back from the new owner. It can be used with virtually any type of fixed asset, including commercial real estate, equipment and commercial vehicles and aircraft, to name a few. A sale/leaseback can increase a companys financial flexibility and may provide a large lump sum of cash by freeing up the equity in the asset. This cash can then be poured back into the business to support growth, pay down debt, acquire another business, or meet working capital needs. Factoring is another type of off-balance-sheet financing. Here, a business sells its outstanding accounts receivable to a commercial finance company, or factor. Typically, the factor will advance the business between 70 and 90 percent of the value of the receivable at the time of purchase; the balance, less the factoring fee, is released when the invoice is collected. Like with an operating lease, no debt is created with factoring, thus enabling companies to create liquidity while avoiding additional leverage. The same kinds of off-balance-sheet benefits occur in both factoring arrangements and operating leases. Keep in mind that strict accounting rules must be followed when it comes to properly distinguishing between on-balance-sheet and off-balance-sheet financing, so you should work closely with your CPA in this regard. But with the continued uncertainty surrounding the economy and credit markets, its worth looking into the potential benefits of off-balance-sheet financing for your company ( The perspective of the Regulator The fundamental stance of the regulator is that the same principles in the handling of risk should apply for Islamic as for non-Islamic banks and financial entities. There has to be a level playing field. For the regulator, risk management in the Islamic context is becoming easier to understand as the following develop: A set of common international equivalent accounting standards. The AAOIFI is a doing a lot of good work in this area but we need to see more harmonization. Greater standardization of products. A clear role for the Shariah Board. For example, if there were to be one Board per country it should assist in giving consistency of interpretation of the Shariah. The FSA has had no applications for authorization from purely Islamic banks. If an application were to be made, it would be considered against our minimum criteria and principles for business. For us, an important aspect of any application would be the effectiveness of the applicants risk management systems and controls (

Friday, October 25, 2019

Those Winter Sundays :: essays research papers

"Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden is a poem about a how the author is recalling how his father would wake up early on Sundays, a day which is usually a reserved as a day of rest by many, to fix a fire for his family. The mood of this poem is a bit sad. It portrays a father, who deeply cares for his family but doesn't seem to show it by emotions, words, or touching. It also describes a home that isn't very warm in feelings as well as the title" Those Winter Sundays" The author describes the father as being a hard worker, in the line "†¦with cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday†¦", but still even on Sundays--the day of rest, the father works at home to make sure the house is warm for his family. The "blueblack cold described in the poem is now warmed by a father's love. This poem describes the author reminiscing what did not seem obvious at the time, the great love of his father, and the author's regretting to thank his father for all that he did. "Sex without Love" is a poem by Sharon Old, who states in the opening line "How do they do it, the ones who make love without love?" It starts out with judging those, who have sex outside of having feeling for one another. It describes the sex in the third line as without feeling more as a techniques, which is describe "beautiful as dancers.. over each other like ice skaters." Sex without love to the author is described more as an act, which is performed instead of two people in love, who sex is in love not because of the act but instead of the love of the person. The author seems to climax in the literal sense at line nine : come to the Come to the †¦ then God comes in picture after the act is done. Judgment and sin is the mood of this poem of how two people can commit an act of a heart and soul without disappointed God. "Schizophrenia", the poem by Jim Stevens is a poem that begins the opening with "It was the house that suffered most" . Most how think about how difficult it would be for the member of a family dealing with a family member, who has the condition of Schizophrenia.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Digital Age and Global marketing

Today in the area of sales and marketing, digital age or the age of internet has helped the marketers to connect to customers to help dramatically get associated with the various business processes and the rules there-of. The creation of a Digital age by getting equipped with vast web capabilities and technologies is the requirement in today’s information age to satisfy the informative demanding customer. Internet thus has helped as an important tool under the promotional mix categorized as a means for Direct Marketing.If marketers adopt it meaningfully, if they are in a position to conduct a dialogue based discussion on the web portal, if they can initiate a conversation between the customer and the firm, then it is considered to be the greatest strength of the company who will result in predicting the best business drivers required. Thus as we also are consumers of certain products, getting internet promotions pre-sales and post-sales is the need of the hour and is the cheap est form considered. But this web-based age does encourage networking between stakeholders and partners, having trade and consumer associations and person-to-person marketing.In the digital age marketing scenario, time and speed are the most important as it is also used as a tool to educate and inform the masses. Brick and click has thus proved to be advantageous to our digital consumers in the arena of cyber culture (Gmii. com, 2001). Prospective customers are definitely affected by privacy and hence would always prefer personal contact. Digital age should act as an advancement to develop another means for marketing but shouldn’t substitute the sales force.Despite the huge advantages of Digital Age, consumers are very secretive to have a transaction online because it affects their privacy which forces them to lose power of their personal issues. Surveillance by using technology to capture the personal information by using listening and spying devices in the age of dataveilla nce is what customers are skeptical about. Businesses should therefore develop something called as a trust infrastructure which vouches for the safety of information and builds better relationships. Thus buyers and sellers should transact without disclosing the identity and the authenticity of the other.Therefore consumers themselves must be given the control to use the digital age of media only if they feel the firm is worth relying upon. Consumers’ in-turn has to be very vigilant about the transactions they conduct on the web (Zwick, D. et al. 1999). A double bottom line system could be beneficial to the firm but it takes time to get successful results. Considering revenue diversification, mission and focusing on the cost effectiveness the best results could be achieved for which Digital age of marketing would facilitate the process in a speedy manner (Iff. org, 2008).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Maruti Suzuki in Indian Premium Car Segment

MARUTI SUZUKI & INDIAN PREMIUM CAR SEGMENT Interim Report – Marketing Management INTRODUCTION: Indian automobile industry currently contributes 5% to India’s current GDP of $1. 4 trillion. The projected size in 2016 of the Indian automotive industry varies between $ 122 billion and $ 159 billion including USD 35 billion in exports. This translates into a contribution of 10% to 11% towards India’s GDP by 2016, which is more than double the current contribution. We can safely assume the passenger car market as a whole grows in the same phase if not more than mentioned above.Passenger cars have sub classifications with in them and they are as follows: SEGMENTATION OF INDIAN CAR MARKET: As per SIAM (Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers) The classification of segments are done as per length of the vehicle, (Passenger car segment) 1. A1 – Mini – Up to 3400mm (M800, Nano) 2. A2 – Compact – 3401 to 4000mm (Alto, wagon r, Zen,i10,A-st ar,Swift,i20,palio,indica etc) 3. A3 – Midsize – 4001 to 4500mm (City,Sx4,Dzire,Logan,Accent,Fiesta,Verna etc) 4. A4 – Executive – 4501 to 4700mm (Corolla,civic,C class,Optra,Octavia, etc) 5.A5 – Premium – 4701 to 5000mm (Camry,Eclass,Accord,Sonata,Laura,Superb,etc) 6. A6 – Luxury – Above 5000mm (S class,5 series etc) 7. B1 – Van – Omni, Versa, Magic etc 8. B2 – MUV/MPV – Innova, Tavera, Sumo etc 9. SUV – CRV, Vitara etc A segment, B segment etc. were used earlier. But now the segmentation in India is done on the basis of length. Maruti Suzuki India Limited, the leading passenger cars producer, currently holds a market share of about 45% in the passenger vehicles segment. The dominant share of the current 45% has primarily come from passenger cars that belong to the Mini/Compact hatchback or midsize sedan.As Maruti Suzuki started its operations in 1981 the needs of the country’s automot ive industries were affordable/entry level cars which Maruti very successfully catered to. But very recently the executive, premium and luxury segment cars are growing more than 20% every year which is higher than the growth of the compact passenger cars. Here is a data which reiterates the growth of premium segment cars in India. The data shows the number of cars whose price is in the range of 15lakh to 30 lakh. Model| 2004/05| 2006| 2007-08| 2008| 2009| 2010| 2011| Skoda superb| Na| 769| 586| 694| 541| 2078| |BMW 3 series| -| -| 946| 1,075 (FY09)| 1,155| 2,220 (Jan-Nov)| | Audi A4| -| -| 102| 1,050| 1,658| 3,003| 4,210 (Q1-Q3)| Mercedes c class| 785| 883| 1,127| 1,765| 1,607| 5,109 ( Jan-Nov)| 3,233 (Jan-May)| The above data clearly shows there is a strong growth in the premium segment that is being seen in the Indian passenger segment. So how far can Maruti Suzuki, a pioneer in small car segment, address the changing trends of Indian car market. Can it replicate the success of sm all car sales in to the premium segment also?In order to identify the needs and the values of the luxury class and their views and expectations on Maruti entering premium car segment we conducted the following interviews which are given below INTERVIEWS WITH POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS: INTERVIEW 1: What is your profile? I am Prakhar Sharma. I am an electronics engineer and had been working for BEL for the last one year. At present I am a student in IIM Bangalore. Do you own a sedan? If yes, which car? My father would be the rightful owner of the cars that we possess. He is a Government officer. We currently own a SX4 petrol version.It is the ‘fully loaded’ petrol version, and we own it for over a year. Do you own any other car? We do own a Maruti 800, which is around 20 years old. Apart from that, my father has his office car as well. We thought about buying a new car because the Maruti 800 was very old. What are the various factors you considered before you bought the car? Ge nerally when a person is looking to buy a sedan, it is his second or third car purchase. There are various factors people consider while buying a car. Personally, the factors I feel that influence my choice are Style, Power, Ergonomics and driving experience.This is of course taking into account that certain minimum requirements are met by the cars in this category. What other cars did you compare with before buying the SX4? There are a number of options available in this price range. We had basically zeroed down up on SX4 and Honda City. The Honda City is a really good car as well. The best thing I liked about it was the experience. It is extremely smooth with a feather touch power steering. The design and interiors are really nice as well. What made you choose the SX4 over the Honda City? We had a fixed budget assigned towards the car, with a flexibility of around 1 lakh.Within that budget the two cars I really liked was SX4 and Honda City. However, the Honda City base model would cost us as much as the SX4 fully loaded model (with all features already installed). So we felt that it was better value for money, and went along to buy the SX4. Apart from that, some other factors which influenced our decision was that maintenance costs of Maruti is very low, spare parts are readily available and don’t really cost that high either. If you are looking to upgrade to a higher end sedan, would you go for a Maruti again?Say Kizashi? If I assume that I do not have any budget constraints, then I probably would not go for a Maruti. The new Kizashi seems good as far as design and technical specifications are concerned, but the name Maruti has a perception attached to it. Maruti is the car that was trusted by your parents and grand-parents, it is the car that almost every Indian owns. If I want to own a high end sedan, I would want to show it off as well. I feel that would not be possible with the Maruti tag associated with it. It does not have that association of e xclusivity.So I would rule out Maruti in the first place and go for a brand which is not possessed by too many people. INTERVIEW 2: What is your profile? I am Vaibhav Singh, I graduated from IIT Kanpur. Currently am a PGP-I student at IIM Bangalore. Prior to joining IIMB I worked at National Instruments for almost 3 years. Do you own a car now? If yes what is the car Yes, I own a Maruti 800. What are the facts you like and dislike about your current car? I feel a sense of safety in case of Maruti mainly because it’s a trusted brand especially in India. Secondly it’s low on maintenance and its spares are readily available.Also Maruti has a strong service network. What I don’t like about Maruti, I get confused as there are many cars in the same segment and it’s very difficult to select. Do you have any other cars in the family? Which one do you like comparatively? Yes we also own a Ford Figo. I like Figo over Maruti 800 as it is newer and has many more feat ures. Are you planning to upgrade your car now? What are the key features you look for in the car? I may upgrade after in a couple of years from now and mostly to a sedan. The key features I will look for would be i. Brand value. How it’s perceived in the market. ii.Quality iii. Price iv. Features If Maruti comes up with a new car would you be willing to consider it? Why or why not? I will mostly not consider Maruti as my option. The reason is that I associate Maruti with low cost so there is a brand disconnect. I would rather consider a Honda or Toyota. What do you think about the new car Maruti has launched Kizashi? When I saw the car it was portrayed as a sports sedan but I think the looks could have been better. Basically, I don’t perceive Maruti car as a sports sedan. When a car is that expensive it should also add status which I think Maruti does not add.What can Maruti do so that you will consider it as an option? I think what most other companies have done by s eparating the brand specific for luxury cars, Maruti should do something similar. If possible leverage on some brand that concentrates on luxury segment alone. If not anything else, they should atleast use just ‘Suzuki’ and not ‘Maruti Suzuki’ to launch a car in targeted segment. Finally what are the two main reasons why you will not buy a Maruti in the luxury segment? 1. There will not be any status enhancement 2. I do not associate Maruti with high performance.I only think it is low cost and reliable. INTERVIEW 3: What is your profile? I am Shobhit Agrawal from Delhi. I completed my graduation from St. Stephen’s College. Currently am a PGP-I student at IIM Bangalore. Do you own a car? If yes, which? Yes, we own a Volkswagen Polo for over a year. We also own a Maruti 800 but it’s not in a major use now. What you like and dislike about your current car? We bought Polo because it was one of the better cars in terms of performance in that price range. We preferred a top-end version of hatchback over a low-end version of a bigger car.Polo has many features and most importantly we wanted a car that is new and different from the ones generally present in society. So Polo met most of our needs. There’s nothing specific which I don’t like so far. If you want to upgrade your car in future what will it be to? What are the key features you would look for in the car? If I upgrade my car in future, it might be to a sedan. Key features I would consider are i. Performance (engine) and mileage ii. Value for money – The car should be ergonomically comfortable, it should have good features, better quality and good interior design & aesthestics iii.Brand – It should make a statement. iv. It should also have a good dealership network and servicing network. Suppose you would want a luxury sedan, and Maruti launch cars it that segment. Would you consider Maruti as your option? Why or why not? As I mentioned th e key features I would be looking for in a new luxury sedan car, If I feel that a Maruti sedan meets my requirements, I may consider it as my option. But since such an investment is considerably large and highly infrequent, brand will also play an important role in selection as it is a status symbol.What’s your view about Maruti Suzuki SX4 and Kizashi compared to competitors in their segment? When I see SX4 against Honda City, SX4 seems to be lower in class although it is not. Similarly if I compare Kizashi with Accord or Camry, Kizashi seem to be slightly lower. This I think is mainly because people associate Maruti with small cars than sedans and luxury cars. What do you Maruti lacks to be in luxury sedan segment? What should it do? I think Maruti lacks an image of luxury car maker. It is generally associated with small cars owing to its leadership in that segment.In order to be more successful, Maruti will have to develop expertise and capability to compete in that segment . SURVEY ANALYSIS So from the discussions with the consumers we have come to the following conclusions regarding whether they would prefer to buy a Maruti in the sedan segment the following conclusions can be drawn. 1) The major reason is that Maruti is associated with a low cost car. It is a very trusted brand as many of the people interviewed were either owners or had owned a Maruti car in the past and were very satisfied with the product.However the brand is not associated with a status symbol so people upgrading will most probably not prefer a Maruti even if the product and the price is same of competition. 2) Another reason for non-acceptance is that there a real as well as perceived difference between the competitors and Maruti. When we compare higher end cars by Maruti with others in the segment, it fails to beat the established standards by other brands. For e. g. In a 2. 4 Lit engine car segment, it is perceived by the consumers that Toyota and Honda cars will have a superi or engine than Maruti’ s engine.Also they are perceived to provide a better quality in terms of aesthetics to the buyer. For this reason, even though, Maruti Suzuki SX4 was launched in the same segment as Honda City, it was always considered to be lower than City. 3) One reason for people not to consider the car is that they feel the resale value will not be good. As many people in these segments buy cars and switch between 3-5 years resale value is an important consideration and this is where Maruti lags behind a lot compared to a Honda or a Toyota SOME POINTS WERE ALSO IN FAVOUR OF MARUTI: ) Most of the people have already owned a Maruti and were very satisfied with the product and have a high opinion of its after sales service and cheaper spare parts so they think that compared to the others the maintenance cost will be low. Therefore after analysing the 4 interviews we can come to the conclusion that Maruti cannot be seen as a status symbol that most people upgrading to h igher end cars look for. However this segment is growing at a very fast rate compared to the average industry so this is a segment Maruti cannot afford to ignore.The advertisements and promotions for their latest car Kizashi also could not generate much excitement among the customers like what Mahindra Scorpio’s advertisements did so this could be one area they could look at. So the key questions going ahead for us will be: * Maruti has enter the segment with its current brand the following table shows the specifications of Maruti Kizashi and its competitors Technical Specification and Pricing * As shown in the table above even with similar specifications and competitive pricing Kizashi was not able to catapult its sales figures as done by Accord (3324 units– 2005-06) and Camry (794 units– 2005-06).So the burning question is does it need a new brand either fully made by themselves like Toyota did with Lexus or should they come into collaboration or acquire a lux ury brand and enter into the market * Will Maruti be able to use the current distribution channel to effectively market the cars? With the same dealership network having two types of customers, one targeting an entry level hatchback and the other targeting a luxury sedan served effectively? Or will they need a new dealership network for high segments cars for specific target consumer which can be a costly affair.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

American Cheetah Facts

American Cheetah Facts The American Cheetah (Miracinonyx trumani and Miracinonyx inexpectatus) actually comprised two very different species. These species were predators that lived in the Pleistocene era in North America, about 2.6 million to 12,000 years ago. Interestingly, the American cheetah was more closely related to modern pumas and cougars than it was to cheetahs. If, in fact, the American Cheetah turns out not to have been a true cheetah. Scientists attribute this fact to convergent evolution, the tendency for animals in the same ecosystems to evolve the same general features. Fast Facts: The American Cheetah Scientific Names: Miracinonyx trumani and Miracinonyx inexpectatusCommon Name: American cheetahBasic Animal Group: MammalSize: 5–6 feet longWeight: 150–200 pounds, depending on speciesLifespan: 8–12 years, but possibly up to 14 yearsDiet: CarnivoreHabitat: Plains of North AmericaStatus:  Extinct Description The American cheetah is an extinct genus of two feline species that were endemic to North America during the  Pleistocene period: Miracinonyx inexpectatus  and  Miracinonyx intrumani.  Researchers have pieced together fragments of an American cheetah skeleton to derive a picture of what these predators may have looked like. The American cheetah had long legs as well as a lithe body, blunt snout, and foreshortened face with enlarged nasal cavities (to allow for more efficient respiration). American cheetahs were estimated to have weighed about 150 to 200 pounds and measured about 5 to 6 feet in body length. Miracinonyx inexpectatus  had shorter legs that were thought to be better equipped for climbing than the modern cheetah. Habitat and Range The two species of the American cheetah seem to have shared some important general characteristics, including a preference for open grasslands and plains of North America, particularly in what is now the western section of North America. Diet and Behavior Like modern cheetahs, the lithe, long-legged American cheetah hunted by pursuing speedy mammalian megafauna, including deer and prehistoric horses, across the rolling North American plains. However, theres no way to know if this ancient mammal could achieve modern cheetah-like bursts of speed in the 50-mph range, or if its speed limit was set by evolution to a much lower level. Miracinonyx intrumani more closely resembled a modern cheetah, and may, indeed, have been capable of hitting top speeds of over 50 mph in pursuit of prey. Miracinonyx inexpectatus was built more like a cougar than a cheetah (though it was somewhat slimmer overall), and its fully retractable claws point to a possible arboreal lifestyle- that is, instead of chasing prey over the prairies like Miracinonyx intrumani, it may have leaped on them from the low branches of trees, or perhaps scrambled up trees to escape the notice of larger predators. Reproduction and Offspring The reproduction behavior of the American Cheetah is unknown, but sources such as the San Diego Zoo Global Library speculate that their habits were similar to modern cheetahs. Cheetahs become sexually mature when they are between 20 and 23 months. They breed throughout the year. Females have an estrous cycle- the amount of time they are sexually active- of 12 days, but they are actually only in heat for one to three days. Females demonstrate that they are receptive to males by urinating on bushes, trees and rocks. A male, picking up on the scent, begins yelping, and the female responds with yelps of her own as the male approaches. Female cheetahs will mate with more than one male over the course of their lifetime. The females gestation period is about one to three months. They give birth to one to eight offspring, called cubs, which are between 5 and 13 points. Offspring stay with their mother for 13 to 20 months. Cheetahs reach maturity and become sexually active by 2.5 to 3 years of age. Reasons for Extinction Scientists dont know exactly why the American cheetah became extinct, but they think that climate change, a shortage of food, and competition from humans, such as through hunting and competition for food, may have played a role. The American cheetah went extinct at the end of the last ice age- the same time that American lions, mammoths, and horses died off. Sources â€Å"American Cheetah Facts, Habitat, Pictures and Range.†Ã‚  Extinct Animals, 1 July 2015.â€Å"Cheetah Facts.†Ã‚  Cheetah Conservation Fund.Cheetahs Once Roamed North America.†Ã‚  Roaring Earth, 10 Oct. 2018.â€Å"Long before Canada Was Canada.†Ã‚  Cheetah Conservation Fund Canada, 2 Nov. 2018.Pepper, Darren. â€Å"Miracinonyx (American Cheetah†­).†Ã‚  Miracinonyx.ï » ¿Ã¢â‚¬Å"Reproduction.†Ã‚  SeaWorld Parks Entertainment.San Diego Zoo Global Library. â€Å"LibGuides: Extinct American Cheetahs (Miracinonyx Spp.) Fact Sheet: Summary.†Ã‚  Summary - Extinct American Cheetahs (Miracinonyx Spp.) Fact Sheet - LibGuides at International Environment Library Consortium.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Whats the SAT Out Of

What's the SAT Out Of SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Every year nearly 2 million students take the SAT, but what's it out of? I'll answer this question and more in this article. Scoring for the SAT The SAT isout of 1600 points.There aretwo sections Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (Reading and Writing are two tests, but together make up one section). Each section isscored from 200 to 800, so the overall scores range from 400 to 1600. Note that from 2005-2016 the SAT was scored out of 2400 (there were separate Reading and Writing sections with their own scores out of 800). For more on the old score scale and the 2016 redesing, check out ourComplete Guide to the New SAT in 2016. What Should You Do With This Information? You should try to figure out what your target score within this range should be.Don't just aim for a 1600.That is notnecessary for every student.Your target score should be based on what school you hope to attend. Find out that school’s SAT 25th/75th percentile score by searching â€Å"[College Name] SAT† in Google. The 25th percentile score signifies that 25% of accepted applicants score at or below that score. The 75th percentile score means that 75% of accepted applicants score at or below that score (so 25% of applicants scored higher). To have the best chance of being admitted, you should aim for a score at or above the 75th percentile score. For a more in-depth explanation of figuring out what your target score should be, read What is a good SAT score? A bad SAT score? An excellent SAT score?. What’s Next? Trying to raise your SAT score? Check outour ultimate study guide. Not sure where you want to go to college? Check out our guide to finding your target school. Thinking about getting a job while in high school? Check out our guide to the 8 best jobs for teensand learn how to find yours! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, October 20, 2019

University of Arkansas at Monticello Admissions

University of Arkansas at Monticello Admissions University of Arkansas at Monticello Admissions Overview: The University of Arkansas at Monticello has open admissions, meaning that all interested students have the chance to study there if they meet minimum application standards. Those interested in attending will need to submit an application, high school transcripts, and scores from the SAT or ACT. Admissions Data (2016): University of Arkansas at Monticello Acceptance Rate: -University of Arkansas at Monticello has open admissionsTest Scores 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: - / -SAT Math: - / -SAT Writing: - / -Whats a good SAT score?Compare SAT scores for Arkansas collegesACT Composite: - / -ACT English: - / -ACT Math: - / -Whats a good ACT score?Compare ACT scores for Arkansas colleges University of Arkansas at Monticello Description: Founded in 1909, the University of Arkansas at Monticello is a public, four-year institution located in Monticello, Arkansas. Little Rock is about 90 miles to the north. The school has small branch campuses at Crossett and McGehee. The university offers a wide range of academic programs at the associate, bachelors, and masters degree levels, as well as about 30 professional certifications. Academics are supported by a 17 / 1 student / faculty ratio, and the school takes pride in the personal attention students receive. The schools attractive campus includes a pond, farm land, and woods. In fact, UAM has achieved Tree Campus USA status every year since 2010, and the university is proud of the main campuss 1,433 trees representing 80 different species. UAM has the only School of Forestry in Arkansas, and over a thousand acres of the schools 1,600-acre campus are forest land used for research and instruction. Athletics are popular at UAM. Intramural sports include racquetball, bowling, billiards, wallyball, volleyball, and dodgeball. On the intercollegiate front, the UAM Weevils compete in the NCAA Division II  Great American Conference. Enrollment (2015): Total Enrollment: 3,643  (3,428 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 43% Male / 57% Female62% Full-time Costs (2016  - 17): Tuition and Fees: $7,210  (in-state); $13,060 (out-of-state)Books: $1,200 (why so much?)Room and Board: $6,338Other Expenses: $3,600Total Cost: $18,348  (in-state); $24,198 (out-of-state) University of Arkansas at Monticello Financial Aid (2015  - 16): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 97%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 95%Loans: 60%Average Amount of AidGrants: $7,649Loans: $5,168 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors:  Agriculture, Business Administration, Criminal Justice, General Studies,  Health and Physical Education,  P-4 Early Childhood Education Transfer, Graduation and Retention Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 52%Transfer Out Rate: 20%4-Year Graduation Rate: 12%6-Year Graduation Rate: 18% Intercollegiate Athletic Programs: Mens Sports:  Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track and Field, Golf, Cross CountryWomens Sports:  Basketball, Golf, Softball, Track and Field, Volleyball, Cross Country Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics If You Like University of Arkansas at Monticello, You May Also Like These Schools: Arkansas Tech UniversityHenderson State UniversityUniversity of Arkansas at Little RockUniversity of Central Arkansas (UCA)University of Arkansas at Fort SmithUniversity of Arkansas at FayettevilleHarding UniversityLyon CollegeHendrix CollegeGrambling State University

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Managing Diversity and Equality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Managing Diversity and Equality - Essay Example Legislation may only put the figure in the boardroom for example but without the same accountability and power, as well as pay, the figure means nothing. Legislation has mandated equal salaries for equal positions yet there are no true definitions as to what an equal position is. Women, for example receive very little middle management training so is their salary not worth less when they are moved up to the boardroom The answer here, again, may not be the legislation. In the last 30 years, the global market place has become the way of business. To survive in that marketplace corporations must be diverse and able to use every bit of knowledge and ability that is contained within their very diverse staffs. Only those that are able to do this will be able to survive. Women are not only a major part of the workforce throughout the world but are also a major part of the purchasing force. Therefore, to not put them in an ideal position is a mistake. They know what is going to be purchased and what is not. Their ideas of how to work with other women, how to motivate them, and how to move their corporations forward will be essential. Leverage is a word often used by corporations throughout the world.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Are the different theoretical models that attempt to provide a general Essay - 1

Are the different theoretical models that attempt to provide a general theory of employee relations in small and medium sized firms (SMEs) reliable, or is the sector to divergent Critically discuss - Essay Example SMEs provide new flexible forms of employment which is not an inferior form of work organization but necessitated by supply and demand forming an additional basis for new segmentation in work and employment relations in the labour market (Thurman 1993). Official statistics on the incidenceof SMEs provide valuable information stating that these SMEs employed a total of 8.66 million employees i.e. 36 percent of all UK employees and accounted for 47 percent of private sector employers’ turnover. This makes it apparent why employee relations are important in small and medium sized firms apart from innovation and economic growth (Forth, Bewly and Bryson 2006). The above statistical records for SMEs make it vital for the involvement of employee relationship in these firms and whether industrial relations theory or model are reliable in the context of their operations and management. According to Bolton Report ‘Committee of Inquiry on Small Firms† (cited in Forth, Bewly and Bryson, 2006), it was concluded that â€Å"although physical working conditions were generally inferior to those found in larger firms, industrial relations in smaller firms were distinctive in conflict prone economy as being predominantly harmonious. Arrowsmith et al (2003) further elaborate the report of Bolton Committee characterizing about the size of SMEs and observe that there is a close proximity between manager and workers in SME which promotes mutual and informal ‘give and take’ that undermines collective organization and conflict. While industrial relations or employee relations is necessary to so as to maintain a balance at bargaining for the purpose of which unions are formed, putting forth their demand in front of the employer in case of large firms (Farnham, 2000). The three main competing sets of theories are classified and explained by Farnham and Pim lott (cited in Farnham 2000) which depict the nature of industrial conflict between employers and employees and between

As the prison system is over burdened, judges are giving community Essay

As the prison system is over burdened, judges are giving community service sentences instead of imprisonment for minor non-vilent crimes. will this be good in the long run - Essay Example While prison sentencing cannot be avoided, it need not be given for all types of offenders. Those people who commit less violent crimes and are liable to receive a short term prison sentence should instead be allowed to engage in rehabilitation programs which would help them learn specific skills. Many research studies have revealed that such programs have helped in reducing the reoffending rates (National Probation service, n.d). Hence given the present scenario inclusion of minor non-violent offenders in prisons along with the violent criminals would not make their lives any better as it increases their risk of engaging in deviant behavior. Additionally, it would also add to the maintenance costs of the prison. Community sentencing was first introduce into the legal system in the year 1907 and was proposed as an initial punishment for low-level, non-violent; first-time criminals who do not pose any threat to the society at large and hence do not require imprisonment (Scottish Execu tive, 2007; Anderson, 1998; Jingyin, 2010; 121st International Training Course, n.d; Beijing Review, 2010; National Probation service, n.d). It is issued as an order from the court which requires the offender to perform the specified hours of unpaid labor and several judges have introduced several community service programs for the offenders (121st International Training Course, n.d). It is however, not largely viewed as an alternative to jail sentencing as those offenders who repeat their crime even after being sentenced to community service would be considered as suitable candidates for imprisonment (Scottish Executive, 2007). Community sentencing involves several requirements which are designed to punish, change and control the behavior of the offender thereby helping him to live a better life (National Probation service, n.d). Community service for petty crime offenders includes public maintenance work such as

Status of Women in Islam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Status of Women in Islam - Essay Example In India the widow was consigned to flames at the funeral pyre of her dead husband. The religious faiths given to asceticism regarded her as the source of sin, the door leading to transgression and contact with her was considered an impediment in spiritual development and salvation. In most civilizations of the world she enjoyed no place in society. [1] She was contemptible and despised in their estimate. She had no social and political rights. She could not exercise her own free will in any financial deal. She was under the tutelage of her father, later under the oppressive rule of the tyrant of a husband and lastly under the patronizing care of the male offspring. She was not permitted by long standing conventions to challenge their authority and she had no course of justice to appeal to by way of escape from tyranny and excesses--not even a breath of complaint. Undoubtedly she has at times been in the seat of authority in some parts of the world. And it is also on record in the world history that empires and governments have danced to her tune, even tantrums, and it has been a common occurrence that she has had ascendancy in familial, tribal and monarchial activities. In some uncivilized tribes she had enjoyed superiority and rule and there are remnants of it still to be seen. [2] Yet as female of the human species, there was little change in her status and she suffered in silence through the course of history and remained deprived of her due rights as usual. Role of Women in Religion Muslims seek guidance from Allah through His book, the Qur'an, and His messenger Mohammed. Muslims believe that the word of Allah is supreme and takes precedence over all traditions cultures. Muslim women were expected to participate in the prayer sessions as the Mosque along with that of the men. Not only were women granted equality like the men, the women were given the same spiritual status as men. "Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, Verily, to him will We give new Life, and life that is good and pure, and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions." (Koran, Sura 16, Verse 97) [3]. As the Islamic state and religion expanded, interpretations of the gender roles laid out in the Quran varied with different cultures. [4] In modern contemporary times, some Muslim women, as well as men, have rejected the limitations put on them and have begun to re-interpret the Qur'an. "I shall not lose sight of the labor of any of you who labors in My way, be it man or woman; each of you is equal to the other (3:195)" [5] "Spiritual equality, responsibility and accountability for both men and women is a well developed theme in the Quran. Understanding the spiritual equality of women in Islam is to understand that equality between men and women in the sight of God is not limited to purely spiritual, religious issues, but is the basis for equality in all temporal aspects of human life." [6] Independence and Freedom of Choice As for what Muslim feminists argue women should wear to conform to Islamic ideals: unlike Islamists, who maintain that the hijab stands as the very symbol of Muslim piety; the most important element for Muslim feminists appears to be the element of freedom of choice in interpreting the Islamic dress code. Mai

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Formal Analysis Essay for Art History Class Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Formal Analysis for Art History Class - Essay Example (55.4 x 37.78 cm) (Plate) 25 3/4 x 18 5/8 inches. (65.41 x 47.31 cm) (sheet, irregular) (Artnet Worldwide Corporation, 2013). As a result, the painting is clear and visible to the naked eye where the audience enjoys its artistic perfection. Most notable is the color engraving, soft-ground etching, and scorper that define the texture, boundary, and coloration of the painting. Andre Racz who was an artist and professor of painting and sculpture made the painting in North America, United States in 1945 (Artnet Worldwide Corporation, 2013) (20th Century) with an adoption of the North America culture although he was born in Romania. Notably, there is a pencil inscription depicting the sign and date of signing on the painting, Perseus Beheading Medusa (ARCADJA, 2013). The painting received credit from the Credit?Gift of funds from the Print and Drawing Council with an accession Number?P.99.12.1. The painting, Perseus Beheading Medusa depicts the image of Perseus cutting the head off the Me dusa. Medusa also refers to the guardian protectress (Wallace, 2003). More so, the media terms Medusa as a Gorgon or a monster who was conversely a very beautiful maiden (Wallace, 2003). Nevertheless, Medusa desecrated the goddess Athena's temple by sleeping there with Poseidon prompting Poseidon to turn her into a monster with live snakes covering her head (Wallace, 2003). As such, the media refers to the Medusa as a monster with a face of a hideous human female with living venomous snakes on her head. Although, Medusa had three beautiful sisters, Medusa was the only moral one and her beauty mesmerized Poseidon. On the contrary, Medusa did not care about Poseidon and hence he turned her and her sisters into monsters (Wallace, 2003). Because of the aspect of being a monster, any person looking directly at the Medusa would immediately turn into stone (Wallace, 2003). In the same kingdom, Perseus was the son of Danae who later fell in love with Polydectes (Wallace, 2003). Subject to t he love affair between Perseus mother and Polydectes, Polydectes hatched a plot to kill Perseus by sending him to fetch the head of Medusa the monster (Wallace, 2003). However, the gods loved Perseus and helped him to succeed in cutting Medusa’s head. Indeed, they gave Perseus winged sandals, a curved sword, a helmet that made Perseus invisible, and a mirror like shield which allowed him to see a reflection of Medusa’s face and to avoid being turned into stone (Wallace, 2003). With these materials, Perseus was able to cut the head of Medusa and hence the painting according to the media. In addition, the media asserts that later on, the hero Perseus used the head of Medusa as a weapon before handing over the head to the goddess of Athena (Wallace, 2003). The painting, Perseus Beheading Medusa is a bronze sculpture and has been one of the most famous statues in modern art. At the time of producing this painting, Hayter and other artists were working at Atelier 17 where t hey were actively experimenting in color printing techniques. The painting has a dull look and depicts the sketchy image of a person holding a head. The person is also holding a sword on the right hand. The painting has artist's proof, signed, dated, titled, and inscribed "A/A" in pencil at the lower margin (ARCADJA, 2013). It has a very good, dark impression, a warm plate tone, and inky edges (ARCADJA, 2013). The black lines

Productive and Counterproductive Behaviors Paper Essay

Productive and Counterproductive Behaviors Paper - Essay Example For example, an employ who is ready to work overtime for the completion of certain project will definitely improve the productivity of the organization. On the other hand the one who never finishes his work in time will always be a burden to the organization. Even a single employ can sometimes spoil the entire production activity of a manufacturing unit. Absenteeism, accidents, deviant behaviors, and turnover are some of the counterproductive behaviors. (Salgado) Unnecessary and uninformed absenteeism can create problems to the overall activities of an organization since the manager needs to find substitutes only at the last moments and may be forced to postpone certain activities which will reduce the productivity of the organization. Deviant behaviors such as breaking company rules and norms, turnover behavior such as slow adaptation to labor scheduling to cover lost productivity etc can affect the organization drastically. Making helpful comments during discussion, making notes (or other writing) to organize efforts, exhibits aggressive attention to detail, exhibits constant and effective creative thinking, exhibits leadership, skillful time management, punctual (starts work on time) works to end of time; doesnt knock off early doesnt wander or distract during work time etc are productive behaviors. (Productive Behaviors) An executive who is working in Production Planning Control (PPC) department of an organization is responsible for planning the entire production activities of a shift based on the inventory he has taken. If he fails to record the correct inventory his planning will go wrong and hence the entire production activities will be disturbed due to poor planning and the organization’s productivity in that shift will be reduced considerably. On the other hand another planning executive who is able to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Formal Analysis Essay for Art History Class Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Formal Analysis for Art History Class - Essay Example (55.4 x 37.78 cm) (Plate) 25 3/4 x 18 5/8 inches. (65.41 x 47.31 cm) (sheet, irregular) (Artnet Worldwide Corporation, 2013). As a result, the painting is clear and visible to the naked eye where the audience enjoys its artistic perfection. Most notable is the color engraving, soft-ground etching, and scorper that define the texture, boundary, and coloration of the painting. Andre Racz who was an artist and professor of painting and sculpture made the painting in North America, United States in 1945 (Artnet Worldwide Corporation, 2013) (20th Century) with an adoption of the North America culture although he was born in Romania. Notably, there is a pencil inscription depicting the sign and date of signing on the painting, Perseus Beheading Medusa (ARCADJA, 2013). The painting received credit from the Credit?Gift of funds from the Print and Drawing Council with an accession Number?P.99.12.1. The painting, Perseus Beheading Medusa depicts the image of Perseus cutting the head off the Me dusa. Medusa also refers to the guardian protectress (Wallace, 2003). More so, the media terms Medusa as a Gorgon or a monster who was conversely a very beautiful maiden (Wallace, 2003). Nevertheless, Medusa desecrated the goddess Athena's temple by sleeping there with Poseidon prompting Poseidon to turn her into a monster with live snakes covering her head (Wallace, 2003). As such, the media refers to the Medusa as a monster with a face of a hideous human female with living venomous snakes on her head. Although, Medusa had three beautiful sisters, Medusa was the only moral one and her beauty mesmerized Poseidon. On the contrary, Medusa did not care about Poseidon and hence he turned her and her sisters into monsters (Wallace, 2003). Because of the aspect of being a monster, any person looking directly at the Medusa would immediately turn into stone (Wallace, 2003). In the same kingdom, Perseus was the son of Danae who later fell in love with Polydectes (Wallace, 2003). Subject to t he love affair between Perseus mother and Polydectes, Polydectes hatched a plot to kill Perseus by sending him to fetch the head of Medusa the monster (Wallace, 2003). However, the gods loved Perseus and helped him to succeed in cutting Medusa’s head. Indeed, they gave Perseus winged sandals, a curved sword, a helmet that made Perseus invisible, and a mirror like shield which allowed him to see a reflection of Medusa’s face and to avoid being turned into stone (Wallace, 2003). With these materials, Perseus was able to cut the head of Medusa and hence the painting according to the media. In addition, the media asserts that later on, the hero Perseus used the head of Medusa as a weapon before handing over the head to the goddess of Athena (Wallace, 2003). The painting, Perseus Beheading Medusa is a bronze sculpture and has been one of the most famous statues in modern art. At the time of producing this painting, Hayter and other artists were working at Atelier 17 where t hey were actively experimenting in color printing techniques. The painting has a dull look and depicts the sketchy image of a person holding a head. The person is also holding a sword on the right hand. The painting has artist's proof, signed, dated, titled, and inscribed "A/A" in pencil at the lower margin (ARCADJA, 2013). It has a very good, dark impression, a warm plate tone, and inky edges (ARCADJA, 2013). The black lines

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Write a proposal for relax quantitative easing monetary policy Essay

Write a proposal for relax quantitative easing monetary policy - Essay Example quantitative assistance so as to improve the economic recovery thus the quantitative easing is a monetary policy used to impede the money supply falling when the standard policy turn to ineffective. This policy important in raising the export market but has also effects on the export market and money depreciation of the given currency. Quantitative easing monetary policy intends to increase the money supply which can no longer be decreased further and can only be carried out with controlled currency thus affecting both money depreciation and exportation in both positive and negative ways. Firstly, the policy is used to increase bank reserves via the central bank liquidity appliances and are absolutely executed as it depends on the ordinary channel of credit creation which reduce the risk of bank runs and does not pose any exit problems (Klyuev, De Imus and Srinivasan 9).Creating a habit of energized trades based on pure essential fundamentals’ is an outstanding way for traders to raise their probability of success and produce consistent profitability. It also allows purchases of long term securities that operate with minimal credit risks since it sends a signal that the central bank desire to lower the long term rates thus it’s a way to commit to an accommodative opinion since it will take time to unwind. The policy allows one to borrow by providing credit in a direct manner to end borrowers which is more impressive than going through banks when banks’ role and /or readiness to lend are impaired. This is possible since the inflammatory pressures must be equalized by means of lending out the money and the bank has the possibility of restoring reserves to higher levels. This will furnish a powerful signal to the market participants since the bank is ready to go to large extensiveness to resuscitate the economy. The central bank can be highly specific in effect intending to achieve important and distressed markets. Quantitative easing is also beneficial when

Monday, October 14, 2019

Double Skin Façade Case Study

Double Skin Faà §ade Case Study Abstract Double skin faà §ade refers to a building faà §ade covering one or several stories with multiple glazed skins (Chan, Chow, Fong and Lin, 2009). The aim of this essay is trying to explore the definition, advantages and disadvantages of double skin faà §ade which was used in high rise building. Case study is the main method in this essay. The researcher has chosen three tall building cases which are Shanghai Tower in Shanghai, ARAG 2000 tower in Dusseldorf and Capital Gate Skyscraper in Abu Dhabi to explain the working principle of double skin faà §ade. Finally, it can be understand that double skin faà §ade is a kind of sustainable faà §ade strategy and It allows to lower energy consumption while making the interior spaces comfortable. It is cost effective in long term running but it will cost more to construct. Introduction Multi layer principle is applied on double skin faà §ade technology. They consist of an external faà §ade, an intermediate space and an inner faà §ade. The outer faà §ade layer is to provide protection against the weather and improve the acoustic insulation against external noise. It also allows ventilation through its openings between internal rooms of double skin faà §ade (S. Ahmed, Ali K. Abel, Rahman, Ahmed Hamza H. Ali and Suzuki, 2016). Gadgets and frameworks are for the most part incorporated keeping in mind the end goal to enhance the indoor atmosphere with dynamic or latent methods. (Poirazis, 2006). The historical backdrop of Double Skin Facades is depicted in a few books, reports and articles. Saelens, (2002) notices that in 1849, Jean-Baptiste Jobard,   an early form of a mechanically ventilated skin faà §ade mentioned at a museum in Brussels. Double Skin Facades are contracted by 3 primary components which are cantilever section structure, suspended structure and edge structure. Materials can vary as indicated by the outline yet metal, glass and timber are most uncommon ones. Considering the sort (geometry) of the hole they are divided into 4; Box window, Shaft box, Corridor faà §ade and Multi story double skin faà §ade. A comparable review by Heusler and Compagno categorise into three sorts of window, story and various stories. Context The Shanghai Tower is designed by Gensler Architects, a 127 story, 632 meter high, mixed use tall building located in Lujiazui, Pudong, Shanghai, China. As of 2016, It is the highest building in the world by its highest usable floor level (Level 127, 587.4m). The new tower takes motivation from Shanghais convention of parks and neighbourhoods. Its bended faà §ade and spiralling structure symbolize the dynamic rise of present day China (GenslerDesignUpdate, 2010). The innovative design incorporates two free curtain walls; first is the external skin cam-molded in plan and the second is the inward one is circular. In-between the two curtain walls form atriums which house landscaped public areas at regular intervals throughout the building (GenslerDesignUpdate, 2010). Series of wind tunnel tests used by the architects to simulate the biggest problem of the site context; the typhoon, which also refined the shape of the building (Zeljic, 2010). These sky patio nurseries will enhance air quality, make visual connections between the city and the towers insides, and give a place where building clients can communicate and blend (GenslerDesignUpdate, 2010). Double Skin Faà §ade The primary element considered for the double skin faà §ade performance depends on a bio-climatic idea of a passive atrium system, where two skins are situated so as to make an expansive, full-high atrium space profiting by every one of the advantages that caught air-and the regular convection of air-can give (Zelji, 2010). As an author view, I think this greenhouse effect could not be achieved with the help of additional   cooling and heating systems when I consider its location and the amount of air pollution the location has. There are two types of curtain wall systems, curtain wall A and curtain wall B, are designed for the   Shanghai Tower. In Curtain Wall A, Vertical mullion emphasised V strike to house and bolster a thick LED lighting apparatus design. The difference between A and B is that B need to stay one-hour fire-rating (Zelji, 2010). Context The ARAG 2000 Tower is designed by RKW in Dusseldorf, in collaboration with Norman Foster in London. It is located in northern district of Norsenbroich, Dusseldorf, Germany. It is a 124 meters of high and 31 storey office skyscraper and divided into four eight story tiers by service floors. It is headquarter building of European Insurance company (Wikipediaorg, 2017). Office floors are basic and open in feel. Cellular workplaces and meeting rooms ring the edge while assembled meeting spaces involved in the focal point of the central formed arrangement over the city (Fosterandpartnerscom, 2017). This tower is unique by its environmental design, it has a high performance, double skin glazed faà §ade and as well as interior organisation. Double height sky gardens intersperse the working spaces at every eighth floor. Open access between office floors and the patio nurseries supports a friendly environment and in addition enhancing communication between the staff (Fosterandpartnerscom, 2017). Double Skin Faà §ade As a result of the to a great degree high road noise levels, brought on by being near an inward city traffic intersection, the double skin facade designed as a shaft box cassettes. Those corridors in between two facades; the interior and the exterior is closed in each floor level. They can be open only in extra ordinary situations such as fire and high pressure difference between each cassettes of the faà §ade (Boake, 2013). Shaft box type double skin faà §ade used. And those defensive external layer frames a climate shield and sun channel; an internal layer, with windows which are allowed to be opened, permits the working spaces to breathe (Boake, 2013). Context Capital Gate is a iconic skyscraper in Abu Dhabi located next to the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre designed by RMJM Architects. It is a 160 meters of high and   35 stories mixed use skyscraper, it is one of the tallest buildings in the Abu Dhabi and it inclines eighteen degrees to the west. It house offices from the second level up to the sixteenth level, and a five star hotel from the eighteenth level right up to the top (Wikipediaorg, 2017). The shape of the building comes from the two elements; sand and water. The form meant to represent swirling spiral of sand and while the curved canopy known as the splash runs over the ground stand and rises on the building faà §ade, creates a wave effect which reflects the water (Schofield, 2012). The designers of Capital Gate, the 18 degrees in reverse inclining tower situated in Abu Dhabi, had a noteworthy sustainable plan for the project. The offset of the floors to accomplish the retrogressive incline makes two particular sorts of spaces and exposures which have brought about the utilisation of two sorts of double skin faà §ade frameworks (Boake, 2013). Capital Gate Skyscraper`s base structure is a vertical concrete center encompassed by a steel diagrid portraying the outer shape of the tower. Steel shafts traverse between the two supporting metal deck and solid composite floor sections. Steel supports span between the outside and inward diagrids, making column free floor spaces within a normal ranges of twelve meters (Schofield, 2012). Double Skin faà §ade The hotel rooms located at the after 19th floor has a jewel shaped pre-assembled shade divider framework is connected to the basic steel diagrid of the skyscraper and forms the outside layer which reuses inside air from the visitor rooms into the faà §ade pit while makes a protecting support between the cool inside and the to a great degree hot outside (Boake, 2013). Office Floors have unique skin called the sprinkle shelter. It begins at the ground level, ending at the projecting pool level located at the nineteenth floor which allows air circulation while blocking the solar radiation (Boake, 2013). Discussion According to those three double skin facades case studies, it can be concluded by the advantages and disadvantages of using double skin faà §ade in tall building. Huge amount of Energy can be saved by using double skin facades. Double skin faà §ade can maintain the internal spaces comfortable with the help of natural ventilation when cooperated with building management system. It is helpful to heat and cool the interior spaces. Maintenance costs much higher when compared with single faà §ade maintenance. Its construction is expensive compared by the single faà §ade construction. Conclusion All features of the double skin faà §ade usage in the tall buildings illustrated by analysing three tall building cases. As it is mentioned above, the advantages and disadvantages, it can be concluded by being agree on, although double skin faà §ade is much more expensive to construct compared to single faà §ade it is a sustainable design strategy which is helpful to cool and heat the interior spaces at the same time being great sound isolation to the building.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Rwandan Genocide Essay -- inadequate response of the UN

For years, Rwanda has been a hotbed of racial tension. The majority of the Rwandan population is made up of Hutu's, with Tutsi's making up the rest of it. Ever since European colonial powers entered the country and favoured the Tutsi ethnic group over the Hutu by putting Tutsi people in all important positions in society, there has been a decisive political divide between the two groups. This favouring of the Tutsi over the Hutu, and the Hutu subjugation as an ethnic lower class resulted in the civil war and revolution of 1959, where the Hutu overthrew the Tutsi dominated government, and resulted in Rwanda gaining their independence in 1962. However, tension remained between the two ethnic groups, with a civil war raging between the Tutsi Rwandan Patriotic Front and the Hutu Government of Rwanda, right up until August 4th, 1993, with the signing of the Arusha Accords. Previous to this, all UN intervention attempts were futile in trying to bring together a government with both Tutsi and Hutu in power. On April 6th, 1994, the President of Rwanda's plane was shot down, killing him and other chief members of staff when it crashed. This was the catalyst required for the Hutu to carry out their â€Å"final solution†, a plan for genocide against the ethnic Tutsi group they had been planning for years. This resulted in Hutu people taking up arms, mainly machetes, to openly attack and slaughter all Tutsi, the families of Tutsi, and even moderate Hutu people who weren't attacking the Tutsi. Over the period of around 100 days, with the death toll ranging somewhere between 800,000 to 1,100,000 the Rwandan genocide has become infamous for the high numbers of dead in such a short amount of time, and for the inadequate response of the UN an... ... involved led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Rwandan people. The UN's involvement in Rwanda is considered to be a prime example of the ineffectiveness of international law and the UN's inability to deal with conflicts. BIBLIOGRAPHY Used for finding historical background regarding the Genocide. Good research base to find access to statistics and other sources. Great website with plenty of information regarding all aspects of the issue. For information regarding Australia's involvement in Rwanda Information regarding United Nations involvement The media's response to Rwanda.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Studt guide :: essays research papers

Unit #4- Study Guide, Chapter #3 Answer the following questions, IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Of course, this is an â€Å"open book† assignment. 1. Everyone who lives in the United States lives in the same society and, also lives in the same culture. These concepts refer to different aspects of the United States. Using the United States as an example, explain the differences between the concepts of â€Å"society† and â€Å"culture.† Society sets boundaries for our lives. The United States has set out laws that we must abide by and follow. The United States is not different from other countries because of our social status, roles, groups, social institutions, and everyone's surrounding areas has established beliefs or values. Our cultures are ver different because of our languages, mannerisms, values, norms and religion. It is difficult for a foreigner to come to the United States and learn new mannerisms, norms, and a new language. A foreigner now has to adapt to a custom he sees totally different from what might have been normal to him back at his native country. 2. Explain the differences between innovations, discoveries, inventions and diffusion. Give examples of each of these concepts in order to clarify the differences between them. There are all different but somewhat similar. One can't really work without the other in life. Innovations are ways to achieve a certain goal. An example is money. Drug dealers use illegitimate ways to achieve this goal. In the long run they will discover that they reap what they sow. Meaning that they might end up in jail and arrested. Discoveries are a new way of seeking reality as a second process for change. Inventions are combinations of existing elements and materials to form new ones. People invent new drugs for the sick or some people combine drugs just to get a fix or high. The diffusion is that later on in their lives it will affect them greatly or other people might learn for them. 3. Although it would seem that symbolic interactionists would be more interested in language than the proponents of structural functionalism and conflict theory, each of the perspectives has an interest in this important cultural component. Explain why language is important to symbolic interactionists and elaborate on the interest that the other two perspectives would have in language. Language is a system of symbols that can be strung together for the purpose of communicating abstract thought.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Idiolect: Drum Kit and Lebanese Roots

‘Though you might say that the way you speak is a very personal thing, and that you have your own ‘idiolect’, the way you speak is actually more determined by other people than by yourself. ’ How has you idiolect been affected? Everyone’s idiolect is influenced by many factors throughout their life, school, media, peers and many more. An idiolect is the way one speaks the vocabulary they use; the accent they have, the dialect they adopted. An idiolect is for one individual, it is unique, and no two people in the world have the exact same idiolect. My idiolect began to be affected and form the day I was able to speak. My mother gave birth to me in Toronto, Canada. Therefore, being born in Toronto the ’typical’ Canadian accent was adopted straight away. Using words like ‘aye’ and ‘no problem’ in a discussion with friends was a habit, even from a very early age. These words were adopted by hearing them in my school, friends and my cousin, who speaks in a semi-Canadian accent. Another major aspect that majorly affected the way I speak was my mother and father. Being born by Lebanese roots, most people including my mother thought I would take up Arabic as my mother tongue, however it was English. Having this difference from my mother and father affected my idiolect the day I was born and still affects me today. My mother speaks Arabic and English, but her main language is Arabic. Speaking English, from my perspective, was due to be born in a non-Arab country. Saying ‘Hello’ or ‘Hi’ to a teacher in school instead of ‘Salam’ was due to the majority of the country spoke English. Arabic became less useful living in Canada and English became necessary. One of the biggest factors that affected my idiolect was moving from Canada to Bahrain. Bahrain in some ways was closer to my Lebanese roots and in others very different. Moving to Bahrain, my mother put me in a British curriculum school. Therefore most teachers, students and parents spoke in a British accent. This began to creep into my idiolect, after being surrounded by people speaking in a British accent; I adopted and exchanged words in my idiolect. Using words like ‘mate’ to refer to friend and using the very British ‘No worries’ instead of the Canadian ‘No problem’ when responding to somebody saying thank you when opening the door. My Canadian accent was weekend and a weak British accent was taken in. Another factor that affected my accent was my peers. At the ages of eight, nine and ten, my friends and peers began to use and adopt slang. Words like ‘Hey bro’ to greet a friend in the morning and ‘dude’ instead of calling them by there name at break, were used regularly. The reason why, at the time, I used slang was to fit in, to feel part of a group and to be seen as ‘cool’. Of course at the time I didn’t realize but these few words would affect my idiolect majorly. These words began to be used unconsciously, I stopped using the to seem cool and I began to use it for another reason. Words like ‘brosef’ when talking to my best friend in city centre and ‘chill’ when telling him to relax and calm down about being late going home. These words aloud me to make a brotherly bond with friends, it aloud it and me to seem close allowed me to judge a situation and affect it with using only a word or phrase. It allowed my friends to seem included and part of a group. However at the same time, I realized slang could only be used in situations that it seems appropriate, and once again this affected my idiolect in different situations. I realized that slang could only be used informally and when it is approved. For example greeting Mr. Wilson, I would usually say ‘Good morning sir’ instead of the slang phrase ‘Hey bro’. This is because Mr. Wilson and I are on unfamiliar terms and (in the situation) Mr. Wilson is in a higher and more powerful position than I. Therefore I address in a formal and respectful way. ‘Good morning’ shows the formal greeting and ‘sir’ shows I want to respect him. Another factor that affected my idiolect was when I began to play drums. At the age of 10, I began to play the drum set and found a particular passion and interest for music. This is when my semantic field on drums began, words like ‘Aux snare’ and ‘Splash’ entered my idiolect. The reason why I began to build a semantic field on drumming and music was due to the interest and need for it. It would be very difficult to buy a drum from a drum shop without a semantic field. Another use for a semantic field on drums was to allow me to be able to be taught drums, being able to understand the teacher easy and understand everything he said made it very easy to be taught and progress my skills in drumming. An example of this is when I went to a drum shop and attempted to buy a drum. On entering I asked the shopkeeper, ‘Hi, I was wondering do you have an Aux snare 13. 5 inch and if you could find am Evans blackhead for it that would be great. ’ The shop keeper replied by saying ‘okay umm, well we got a normal 13. 5 not aux but if you use a key to really put crack on it it’ll sound the same and yah we got a Blackhead for it. ’ In this scenario it would be near to impossible to explain what I need and understand what he said. The beautiful thing about having a semantic field on drums is I am able to use it worldwide because it is understood worldwide. Another moment that my idiolect changes is when I begin to change register. I use a higher register when speaking formally, especially when speaking to strangers. For example, when asking for directions in Awali, I used a much higher register then I was with my friend, who was in the car with me. ‘Excuse me sir, would u mind if you could point in the right direction to Riffa Views? Using excuse me showed I wanted to be polite, this is because I am the stranger and I are on unfamiliar terms. This is a very big contrast to the sentence I used before with my friend. ‘Dude, we’re lost, what bout we ask for directions, he seems cool’. This is showing my low register I used with my friend, I can use low register since it is not a formal event, and he knows me very well. Another aspect that affected my idiolect is when I began code switchi ng. I code switch between mainly English and Arabic, this is due to my Lebanese roots, in Lebanon and to Lebanese it is natural and normal sentence. I code switch a lot with my mother. For example when I was asking her if I could go to my friends. ‘Keefeek mama, feae rooh to Alex’s for the day? ’ My sentence began in Arabic and ended in English. Code switching allows me to have a bond with somebody. It makes the conversation more secretive and allows to people to have a bond between one another. Using code switching with my mom, I use the beginning in Arabic since it is a very cheerful way to greet her and allow her to feel more close to her Lebanese roots. Ending it in English makes it feel more to the point and it shows that I was not looking for a conversation and only to ask her a question. In conclusion, my idiolect has been affected by eight main factors. Each one affecting my idiolect and molding it into what it is today. Each one affecting it in a different way and each one having a different impact, these points have shown that even if your idiolect is your own, factors out of your control have affected it and shaped it. Therefore your idiolect is determined more by other people then by yourself.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Development of Motor Skills in babies/Young Children

Introduction:A child’s earlier experience and environment influence their future development, health and wellbeing. It is recognized that children’s development occurs in stages and that they need the right supports to critical period in their life to achieve their potentials. If a child does not acquire skill the way he/she should, then there are certain factors that are responsible for that, they include: low birth weight, prematurely, birth injury, disability, chronic illness, delayed development, lack of parenting knowledge. But if a child is guided against the stated above in terms of independence, good problem solving skills, and positive self-concept, these in turn are influenced by motor skill acquisition.Skill acquisition relates to developmental skill and these encompasses area such as gross motor, fine motor, self help, social, language and cognitive development skills. Physiotherapists have experts in the development of gross motor skills, which is concomita ntly on positive self-concept.The relationship between skill development and health/well-being is difficult to define in an academically rigorous fashion. Studies involving a variety of children with special needs have demonstrated that motor skills and positive self concept are critical to children’s ability to participate at school (Jongmans et all 1996).Little data clearly define the parameters of motor coordination difficulties in children. Various grades of severity and co morbidity seem to exist. Some children have only a relatively minor form of motor dyscoordination, whereas others have associated learning disabilities, attention deficit, and other difficulties.In 1996, fox and lent found that, in contrast to the common belief that children grow out to these difficulties, they tend to linger without intervention. Early intervention is beneficial when the brain is changing dramatically during the first year of life and new connections and abilities are acquired.Path Ph ysiology:Motor coordination is the product of a complex set of cognitive and physical processes that are often taken for granted in children who are developing normally, smooth, targeted and accurate movement both gross and fine, require the harmonious functioning of sensory input, central processing of this information in the brain and coordination with the high executive cerebral functions, e.g. violation, motivation, motor planning of an activity. Also acquired is the performance of a certain motor pattern. These elements must work in a coordinated and rapid way to enable complex movement involving different parts of the body.Muscular Tone:Muscular tone refers to the basic and constant ongoing contraction or muscular activity in the muscles. It can be understood as a baseline or background level. Tone may be normal, too low, or too high. If a muscular tone is too high, children appear somewhat stiff and do not move in smooth and natural way.Gross Motor skills:Gross motor skills r efer to the ability of children to carry out activities that require large muscles or group of muscles. It acts in a coordinated fashion to accomplish a movement or a series of movements. Postures are an important element to consider in the assessment of gross motor skills.Fine Motor Skills:Fine motor skills are the movement of small muscles that act in an organized and suitable fashion, for instance, hand, feet etc, and the muscle in the head, to accomplish more difficult and delicate tasks. Fine motor are the basis of coordination, which begin with transferring from hand to crossing the midline when aged 6 months.Sensory Integration:This refers to functioning of the brain, i.e., how to manage inputs and produces output. Output includes motor responses. Each child has a unique profile of response to sensory stimuli. Children with motor difficulties often have problems in the integration of sensory input.METHOD SECTION:Research has shown that children who find performing certain mot or task difficult, frustrating or even impossible often become discouraged and subsequently avoid these task altogether. Eventual avoidance of challenging physical task in a child who work hard on drawing or writing with poor result is understandable.Statement of Problems:Children are different from each other both when they are young and after they mature, they are different because they were reared differently. Some were spanked, some were not. Some received authoritarian parenting, some permissive, some authoritative, some were toilet trained early and harshly, some were left to cry in the crib and some were cuddle, and so it went. Here, emphasis will be on child and proper toileting, his/her attitude and general knowledge. And on this note will bring about the hypothesis as stated below:H0: There is a relationship between a child earlier trained on toileting and his   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   general attitude.HI: There is no relationship between a child earlier trained on toil eting and the  general attitude .Findings:The researcher used primary data since it was directly from the field in their original state. Primary schools and day cares centers were visited and the interview was unstructured to enable the interviewer penetrate deep and follow unanticipated clues.Since it was only interview method that was used, two primary schools and four day care centers were visited since the emphasis is on motor skill which is all about educating a child early. The total of nine teachers in primary schools and twelve nannies in day care centers were interviewed, giving a total of twenty one teachers. As illustrated in the table below:The above table shows that out of 21 correspondents, 15 of them agreed that proper toileting is better from childhood, as the child will be conditioned to it, which represented 71.4 percent, while 6 correspondents said that whether the child is trained or not, he/she will act according to the gene or what the peer group thought them . This represented 28.6 percents.Discussion:children sensitive responses towards toileting is not automatic but had training processesThat parents has a lot of roles to play as in introducing the child to proper toileting from 3months old of ageThat if a child is properly trained on toileting, will be conditioned to itThat if a child is not trained earlier enough, would be lettering the environment at any point in time.And that neatness is next to godlinessThis is majority opinions and should be adhere to, since it is stated here, that neatness is next to godliness and incessant toileting leads to protracted illness, as well as embarrassments to the parents.DISCUSSION SECTIONThe manifestation described above is based on the assumption that children have opportunity to practice motor activities if they are being taught. Children require a minimum of exposure and practice to develop dexterity with scissors and drawing. A child who is notably neglected or not exposed to usual physical tasks may have physical deficits for these reasons.Crucial aspect in motor development are exposure to tasks, caretaker who recognize the child’s developmental needs, the opportunity for the child to be taught skills, appropriate stimulation of the child, and an opportunity for the child to develop and practice new movements. These aspects have been termed the dynamic theory of motor development, which postulates that children develop new motor skills as they are needed, depending on the interactions with the environment and on the challenges parented.Practice, experience, and environment are important determinants of development, in addition to the child’s intrinsic genetic capacities. Development is shaped by a process of selection in which children develop movement repertoires that are optimal for functioning in their specific environmental conditions.When the condition is serious and noticeable to everyone, the child is most likely to be stigmatized at school and o ften at home. Children with motor coordination difficulties often feel ashamed of their poor ability to perform any motor tasks, especially those required to participate in sports and to achieve skills in schools.The clinical picture of motor coordination problems is assessed from a developmental point of view, i.e., by considering normal physical capacities at different ages. Evaluation of a child’s development includes a consideration of individual variation, by factoring in the range of time at which motor skills, for example are normally acquired.Young infants maintain flexor tone in the first few months of life and only gradually develop extension patterns. Also infants with motor challenges are often delayed in achieving milestone such as the  ability to roll over, to sit with help, and to sit without help. Infants with motor problems may not be able to sustain their weight after 6 months when supported under their arms. So inability for a child to develop in motor sk ills manifest from infancy, third years of life, preschool and school aged children, genetic and environmental factors among others.In a nutshell, evaluation of a child’s development includes a consideration of individual variation by factoring in the range of time at which motor skills, for example, are normally acquired. Evaluating the overall development of a child is preferable, considering the characteristics style and strength and weaknesses of each child.REFERNCES:Jongmans M, Demeter JD, Dubowitz L and Henderson SE (1996): How Local is the Impact of specific learning difficulties in premature children’s evaluation of their competence. Journal of Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry 37: 563-568.